Monday, January 2, 2012

How do you build a telescope?

Note that you can buy a Dobsonian telescope (really a super kit that needs some assembly, principally the mount) for about the same price as you can buy the components to make one, unless you step back from the "buy a mirror, mirror cell, etc." like I did and make some of these components yourself. This was the John Dobson idea with his telescope design.

The first link is to a book I used to understand part of what I was doing. It is available at the site below or at Amazon, and maybe at a local library.

The third link is to another book I used even more heavily so that my telescope could be disassembled and transported when we go camping or traveling.

Consider a Yahoo or Google search for "Dobsonian Telescope building"

Yahoo or Google search results includes plans by San Francisco Sidewalk Astronomers, among other things.

How does space expand and what does it expand into?

Some pompous twit told me that the Big Bang was not an explosion but an expansion of space. Said twit then blocked me from replying. Well upon reading that "an expansion of space" bit the first question that came to mind was..How do you expand a cubic inch? Then the two on the question line popped up.

The theory is that all the matter in the universe was originally compressed into a lump which then expanded suddenly (exploded -- bang!), with the matter and energy released continuing to spread out in all directions throughout the existing universe, a limitless empty void, so it's thought.

Can we see the surface of the moon using telescope?

Yes, you can see the surface of the Moon with a telescope or even with the naked eye.
No. There is no one on the Moon.

If is difficult to get a feel for how far away the Moon is or how large it is. In the night sky, it doesn't seem large or far. Even with a very large telescope you can't see something as small as a person on the Moon from Earth.

Is it illegal to go to the moon without informing to NASA?

You don't need NASA's permission. You do need FAA permission to launch a rocket through US airspace just so they can coordinate airplanes out of the way.

No one is sending people out to the Moon secretly. Any country launching people into orbit or beyond publicizes it in the event they need rescue or recovery assistance, if they value their people!

How far away is the constellation scorpius in light years?

The constellations are not astronomical objects -- they are figures we have drawn to help us map and find our way around the sky. It is therefore not possible to state the distance to Scorpius, but each of the stars, the star clusters, nebulae, and other celestial bodies within the constellation do have a distance. Antares, the red giant star in Scorpius is a double star about 550 light years away. M4, a incredible globular cluster very near Antares, is about 7 to 7.5 k light years (7000 to 7500 light years).

How long does light from the moon take to reach the Earth?

The Moon is approx. 240,000 miles from Earth... Light travels at 186,000 miles per second... (the Sun is approx. 93,000,000 miles from the Earth)

How long does it take to get to Mars?

How long would a manned mission take to travel to Mars? And what is the biggest reason for the mission not taking place in the near future. We sent men to the moon 40 years ago so obviously the technology is there to travel to deep space. Is it that they don't know how to build a ship that could carry enough fuel, food, water, etc.?

That page lets you calculate the simple Hohmann transfer orbit (the cheapest in terms of fuel and/or energy).

Pick the Sun as centre. Put the "altitude" of the initial orbit as 150000000 (150 million km) which is the distance from Sun to Earth.
Put 228500000 (228.5 million km) for the altitude of the final orbit.
Click on calculate. You will get something like 216 days.

This will calculate the parameters of an orbit that has its perihelion (closest to the Sun) at Earth's orbit and its aphelion (furthest from the Sun) at the orbit of Mars.

By symmetry, the Hohmann transfer orbit from Mars to Earth will take 216 days as well.

In both cases, the craft must leave one planet's orbit 216 days before the other planet reaches the target point of the transfer orbit. This forces the craft to stay on Mars for a number of days which can be calculated (depending where Earth and Mars are on their orbits)

Total is around 2 years, with a stay of many months at Mars.

There are two problems.
1) This is NOT a free-return orbit. If you miss Mars, the orbit takes you back to Earth's orbit, but Earth itself will not be anywhere close at the time you return.

2) Once on Mars, you MUST wait for the proper time (roughly 9 months) before starting the return trip. You cannot decide to leave earlier if things go wrong.

Other transfer orbits are possible, but they require a lot more fuel and/or different technology (initial chemical boost plus ion rocket, or solar sail, or...).

"Is it that they don't know how to build a ship that could carry enough fuel, food, water, etc.?"

They KNOW how to build it. They just can't afford to yet. And even when they do, it will still have to be tested (something always goes wrong with new designs) before being sent on a two year mission.
Something like the Apollo capsules would not do. For example, crossing the Van Allen radiation belts for a few days is not the same as being exposed to solar flares, solar wind and coronal mass ejections for two years.

Spending less than a week on the Moon is not the same as spending months on Mars (the lunar suits were damaged almost to their working limit by the time the astronauts came back).

It is going to be very, very expensive. And I mean "very".
There is a nice explanation here, along with a "map" of the Hohmann transfer orbit.

How long did it take Neil Armstrong to get to the moon?

38 years 11 months and 15 days

(Born 5th August 1930, landed 20th July 1969, 16 days short of his 39th birthday)

How long does it take to get to the moon?

It depends on how fast they are travelling. I've broken out some target velocities for the kids:

If they walk: 4,976 days
If they run: 663 days
If they drive: 153 days
If they hitch a ride on the space shuttle: 13.5 hours
If they morph into a photon: 1.2 seconds

Good luck! And make sure they pack a sweater!

How much time does it take to get to the moon

1. It depends on how fast you're traveling. Apollo astronauts were in lunar orbit in 3 days, and landed on the 4th.

2. Moon landing missions also put up laser reflectors on the moon, collected lunar material, and also performed many physics experiments.

3. The moon is around 2159 mi (3475 km) in diameter and its circumference is 6790 mi.